Phonegap build

The jQuery mobile site we have created works in any web browsers, including the destop and mobile ones. It also works for the “web views” components inside the native app environment. So we can wrap our HTML code into a native app for display and interaction.

To do that, we can use PhoneGap Build service. In the service, we upload the package of HTML,CSS and JavaScript and the web service builds the native executable for us.

Phonegap build dashboard

PhoneGap, or Cordova for the open sourced name, is the code that wrap web view into native code. On the other hands, PhoneGap build is the service that let us get rid of setting up local building environment.

This article from me explains how PhoneGap works.

What is phonegap

Do aware that you still need to be an Apple iOS Developer with the certificate generated by a Mac to enable the iOS compilation. This is the restriction from Apple.

What’s next? We’re going to take a look at “Native app or web app”.

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