Introducing Web Design

Hi there, this is Thomas (aka. Makzan on the web). I am an author on web technology and game design.

Getting Ready

Here is an list of online learning resources that you can self-learn the web standard.

Here are 4 posts from the course Mobile Web App Dev with PhoneGap.

  1. Client-side technology
  2. Server-side technology
  3. Web app and Software-as-a-Service
  4. The modern web

Table of Content

  1. 網頁設計業界常用工具介紹 (Tools we need for Web Design)
  2. HTML5 新技術介紹 (Introducing HTML5)
  3. CSS Framework 及 CSS3 網頁樣式設計 (Introducing CSS3)
  4. Photoshop/Illustrator to HTML 示範 (Demonstration on Designing Web with Photoshop and Illustrator)
  5. 不同屏幕網頁設計詳解 (Responsive Web Design)
  6. 網頁程序框架開發介紹 (Introducing Ruby on Rails)
  7. 客戶端的世代 (Introducing jQuery)
  8. 網頁設計技術於手機應用程序內的角色 (Dedicated Mobile Site with JQuery Mobile)
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