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Uploading files
From ruby-toolbox, we found two popular gems for uploading files:
Their difference:
- paperclip: must bound to model.
- carrierwave: indepentent to model.
We’ll use the paperclip gem.
Note: For detial and most updated gem usage, please check the official doc. (
Note2: Two blog posts on paperclip gem.
We need to install imagemagick for image resizing feature.
$ brew install imagemagick
Add the gem to Gemfile
gem "paperclip"
Then call bundle install gems in system.
$ bundile install
Assume now every job comes with a marketing poster, user can upload any images file as poster image for each job.
We can do that by declaring the poster attachment in the job model. Add the following to models/job.rb
has_attached_file :poster, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }, :default_url => "/images/:style/missing.png"
How about the database changes? We need several more columns to the job table. The migration can be generated by paperclip gem with the following command.
$ rails generate paperclip job poster
$ rake db:migrate
Then we add the new poster column to the job form by using the file_field
<%= form_for @job, html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>
<%= f.file_field :poster %>
<% end %>
The multipart is required to send file in a POST request.
How about displaying the poster image?
<%= image_tag @job.poster.url %>
<%= image_tag @job.poster.url(:medium) %>
<%= image_tag @job.poster.url(:thumb) %>
What’s next? We’re going to take a look at “Ruby on Rails 101 – Chapter 5”.