HTML5 Games Dev Video Course

SummarySample Video ClipsScreenshotsTable of Contents

HTML5 Games Dev Video Course is a practical screencast-based tutorials, created by makzan.

Cover of HTML5 Games Dev Video Course

The video course shows you how to create two simple yet elegant games in HTML5 – Rush and Count99. You will learn to build games that run on both desktops and mobile browsers. It guides you to code the game logic in JavaScript in a modular approach, with elegant code and illustrated concepts to help you learn quickly.

Course Length : 1 hour and 58 minutes.

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Sample Video Clips


The following are the sampel clips that contain the entire Section 4 – Start building the Rush game.

  1. Planning the Rush Game (Youtube link)
  2. Defining the Game Object Class (Youtube link)
  3. Creating a Platform Class (Youtube link)
  4. Creating Movable Game Objects (Youtube link)
  5. Adding Platforms to Your Stage (Youtube link)
  6. Handling Collisions with Generic Methods (Youtube link)


Use the EaselJS library to draw with managed states Make your game mobile-friendly Create a GameObject class structure Create a game with multiple game objects that work together Add gravity to your level Preload graphics and display a progress bar

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Table of Contents

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⬇ Download the source code for the course examples.

Play the example game: Rush and Count99.


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