News page

Bakery news

The news page fetch data from a JSON file from Amazon S3.

Before getting into any code, we will design the JSON file.

You can view the file here:

And here is the excerpt:

 2  "news": [
 3    {
 4      "date": "2013-08-01 15:14:13",
 5      "content": "Do you really think that you will read real news here? No kids, this is just a dummy text.",
 6      "image": "",
 7      "title": "Welcome to read our news here"
 8    },
 9    {
10      "date": "2014-01-02 16:12:13",
11      "content": "Welcome to our another news. We are working on a mystery new product.",
12      "image": "",
13      "title": "Another news here"
14    }
15  ]

The construction of the news title is very similar to previous listview examples. One difference is that we have a news content page.

This is the news page that list the news title. We put some static links there as mock-up. The link links to a #news-content page.

 1<div data-role='page' id='news'>
 2  <div data-role='header'>
 3    <h2>News</h2>
 4    <a data-icon='arrow-l' data-rel='back'>Great Bakery</a>
 5  </div>
 6  <div data-role='content'>
 7    <ul data-role='listview'>
 8      <li><a href='#news-content'>News title 1</a></li>
 9      <li><a href='#news-content'>News title 2</a></li>
10      <li><a href='#news-content'>News title 3</a></li>
11      <li><a href='#news-content'>News title 4</a></li>
12    </ul>
13  </div>

Then we need to add the following #news-content page in the HTML file. The content page is used to display the detail of each news, including the title, date, image and content.

 1<div data-role='page' id='news-content'>
 2  <div data-role='header'>
 3    <h2>News</h2>
 4    <a data-icon='arrow-l' data-rel='back'>Great Bakery</a>
 5  </div>
 6  <div data-role='content'>
 7    <p>Content here.</p>
 8  </div>

In the JavaScript, we prepare the following News module. We will put logic inside the functions soon.

 1// News Module
 2app.News = (function(){
 3  function News() {
 4    // constructor
 5  }
 6  News.prototype.fetch = function(element) {
 7    // fetch logic
 8  };
 9  return News;
10}).call(this); // End News

We have been using $.getJSON to fetch JSON data from API. This time we will try using the $.ajax which gives more options on the fetching. The reason we can’t use $.getJSON because the callback is fixed in the JSON-P file.

2  url: "",
3  type: "GET",
4  crossDomain: true,
5  dataType: "jsonp",
6  jsonpCallback: 'callback',
7  success: function(data) {}

Note: We can set the origin policy in Amazon S3 and use JSON instead of JSON-P. In this case, you can use $.getJSON.

To set the CORS in S3 bucket:

S3 cors

S3 cors xml

Now, it works when fetch using $.getJSON.

1$.getJSON("", function(data){
2  console.log(data)

The final version of the News module. It fetch the news and construct the list.

 1// News Module
 2app.News = (function(){
 3  function News() {
 4 = [];
 5  }
 6  News.prototype.fetch = function(element) {
 7    var that = this;
 8    $.ajax({
 9      url: "",
10      type: "GET",
11      crossDomain: true,
12      dataType: "jsonp",
13      jsonpCallback: 'callback',
14      success: function (data) {
15        console.log("ajax success", data);
16 =;
17        $(element).empty();
18        for (var i=0,; i<len; i++)
19        {
20          var news =[i];
21          var listItem = "<li><a href='#news-content'>" + news.title + "</a></li>";
22          $(element).append(listItem);
23        }
24        $(element).listview().listview('refresh');
25      },
26    });
27  };
28  return News;
29}).call(this); // End News

Somewhere in the logic, we create an instance of the News class.

For example, placing in the jQuery ready function is a good place.

1var news = new app.News();

And when the page is going to show, we connect the model and the view.

1$(document).bind('pagebeforeshow', function(event, ui) {
2  if ( $('id') === 'news' ) {
3    news.fetch($('#news-list'));
4  }

What’s next? We’re going to take a look at “News content”.

overlaied image when clicked on thumbnail

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